Building Your New Mexico Legacy
Planning a gift through the Museum of New Mexico Foundation today will make a big difference for tomorrow. Gifts of any size are welcome.
Bequests of cash, stock, real estate and other assets
A bequest allows you to remain in control of your assets during your lifetime, it costs nothing and can reduce estate tax burdens. Bequests can be a specified dollar amount, a percentage of an estate, or tangible property.
Beneficiary designation
Designate a museum, division or the Foundation as the full or partial beneficiary of a retirement or life insurance plan, bank or brokerage account.
Charitable gift annuities
A charitable gift annuity provides you with a fixed guaranteed lifetime income and allows you to receive immediate tax benefits while making an irrevocable gift to the Foundation.
Charitable remainder trust
A charitable remainder trust can give you income during your lifetime or for a term of years. Any remaining assets from the trust will be distributed to the Foundation when the trust terminates.
Donations of art
A gift of art ensures that your collection (or individual works of art) will be in the best possible care, and enjoyed by New Mexicans and visitors alike for years to come.
Outright gift
Make an outright gift through your donor advised fund, as a qualified charitable distribution from your IRA or by transferring appreciated stock.
Contact Laura Sullivan at or 505.216.0829 for more information about planned giving, or consult a qualified professional advisor. Please notify us about your gift so we can honor your intent and include you in our Legacy Society.
This article and image are from the Museum of New Mexico Foundation’s Member News 2023.