SAR Artists Live on Instagram with Brian D. Vallo
Brian D. Vallo is a member of the Pueblo of Acoma tribe in New Mexico, and served as Governor in 2019–2021. He has more than thirty years experience working in areas of museum development, cultural resources management, repatriation of ancestors and cultural patrimony, historic architecture preservation, the arts, and tourism. He currently serves as an advisor to the Field Museum, Chicago, and the de Young Museum, San Francisco. A self-taught painter and potter, he is inspired by the natural environment and elements, which he incorporates into his multimedia paintings.
SAR Artists Live is a broadcast that takes place on Instagram Live. Missed our virtual event? Past recordings can be found on our YouTube Channel.
This program is supported in part by Shiprock Santa Fe; King Galleries; and Thomas Cleary, LLC. Partially funded by the City of Santa Fe Arts & Culture Department and the 1% Lodger’s Tax.
This excerpt and image are from the Museum of New Mexico Foundation’s Events Listing.