Fred Harvey Weekend 2023

New Mexico History Museum
October 27-30, 2023

Join us in Santa Fe, or online, for two days of engaging talks and presentations at the New Mexico History Museum—and enjoy our historically delicious Foodie Dinner & Auction at the fabulous La Fonda on the Plaza. All net proceeds benefit the New Mexico History Museum.

New this year is a FredHead Reception at the History Museum on Friday, October 27, featuring Harvey-inspired refreshments and special programming and, for sponsors, a pre-reception private viewing of highlights of the museum’s Fred Harvey Company collection. Tickets are $25 per person or complimentary with a sponsorship (see below).

This is our 14th year of presenting a wonderful lineup of Harvey-themed lectures in the auditorium of the History Museum, which will take place this year on Friday, October 27, and Saturday, October 28. In-person tickets are $50 for the series, $25 for online, or complimentary with a sponsorship. Those attending in-person and online will receive immediate access to the recordings of the talks.

The Foodie Dinner & Auction, always the highlight of the weekend, will be on Saturday, October 28, in the Lumpkin Ballroom at La Fonda on the Plaza. Individual tickets are $150 or complimentary with a sponsorship. Cocktail hour begins at 6 p.m., followed by a four-course dinner prepared Johnny V and fellow award-winning chefs inspired by the Fred Harvey Company cuisine. All attendees will receive a special gift of Mimbreno China—designed by Mary Colter and replicated (and donated) by HF Coors—in a commemorative box.

Sponsorship Opportunities

This year we are introducing special sponsorship opportunities to enhance your experience of the Fred Harvey History Weekend 2023.  All sponsorships will support exhibitions and education programs at the New Mexico History Museum.

To become a sponsor of the Fred Harvey History Weekend 2023, please contact Alex Wilson, director of leadership giving for the New Mexico History Museum at

Individual tickets to the Friday and Saturday lecture series and the Saturday Night Foodie Dinner & Auction will go on sale on June 1 at our Eventbrite page.

This excerpt and image are from the Museum of New Mexico Foundation’s Website.