OAS | APRIL 2023
Office of Archaeological Studies
As we head into the spring, I am excited to share that the Friends of Archaeology is moving forward with planning the much-anticipated Chiles and Sherds event at San Cristobal basin. Be sure you are signed up for the Friends group to get an invitation!
The research campaign launched in the fall was tremendously successful. As we head into spring, we still have minimum of $11,000 to raise for educational programming. This funding supports Caitlin Ainsworth, Mary Weahkee, Isaiah Coan as they implement student educational programs in public schools and tribal schools across the state. Their incredible wok will be highlighted in an educational appeal hitting mailboxes and inboxes this May.
OAS continues to fundraise for its education programs and research activities. To make a donation, please contact Lauren Paige at 505.982.2282, or lauren@museumfoundation.org.