OAS | April 2024
Don’t miss these exciting upcoming events! On April 10, OAS Research Associate C. Dean Wilson will give a presentation discussing the nature and significance of trends in the distinctive decorated pottery long-produced by Tewa potters in the Northern Rio Grande. This talk will be offered for free in-person at the Center for New Mexico Archaeology and published online on the Friends of Archaeology YouTube channel. [https://www.youtube.com/@FriendsOfArchaeologyNM/featured]
Friends of Archaeology is organizing an exciting overnight trip to Fort Stanton Friday April 12 - Saturday April 13. The event will include a group dinner, lecture and tour of the archaeological ties to the historic site. Registration is $135.00/person. Click here to register. [https://www.eventbrite.com/e/foa-trip-to-fort-stanton-tickets-840503056267] Space is limited! On April 24 OAS graphic artist Scott Jaquith will be offering a free lunchtime talk entitled Journey to the Stone Lions. This talk will focus on the ancient hunting shrine located deep within the Bandelier National Monument backcountry. Due to the sensitive nature of the location of this shrine, this talk will only be offered in person. Finally, at the end of April all 2023-2024 OAS donors will be invited to the annual donor appreciation party. The event will include guided tours of the OAS laboratories and refreshments. Donors will receive a private invitation soon! This month, the Office of Archaeological Studies is excited to welcome two new full-time staff members to their growing team. A new Faunal Analyst and Laboratory Analyst are set to begin in April. On April 4, Educational Coordinator Chinara Lucero will launch a new educational program for preschoolers. The ‘Pequenos’ education program will aim to teach little ones about prehistoric lifeways in New Mexico. For more information, contact Lauren Paige lauren@museumfoundation.org anytime. |