OAS | June 2024
A new Office of Archaeological Studies (OAS) research booklet will be delivered to your doorstep soon. The brochure highlights a few of the OAS’s current research programs and future goals, such as innovations in their radiocarbon sampling laboratory; renovations and updates to the archaeomagnetic laboratory; and continuing archaeological fieldwork and research that is uncovering new clues about New Mexico’s past. Donations help the Office of Archaeological Studies to invest in more opportunities for their staff to collaborate with leading scientists, develop internships and invest in updates for the analytic equipment. Each spring the Museum of New Mexico Foundation launches a campaign to help raise funds to support the incredible research housed at the State archaeology office. I hope you will consider making a donation of support this summer.
In other news, the Friends of Archaeology hosted a wonderful event at San Cristobal Basin in early May. Six full tours explored the rock art on the state lands, guided by expert archaeologists. The Office of Archeological Studies has recently held a number of fascinating Brown Bag lectures. The latest lecture by Executive Director Dr. John Taylor-Montoya titled It’s a Hard-Rock Life: Women and Children at Historic Mines in Southern New Mexico, was recorded and is now on the Friends of Archaeology's YouTube channel. Click here to watch this Brown Bag lecture and others.
The Friends of Archaeology also recently nominated the Singleton Family of San Cristobal Ranch for a Historic Preservation Award, which as approved by the State Historic Preservation Division. The Singleton family has been incredibly generous to the group over the years, allowing access to special archaeological sites for research and group tours. We are thrilled that the family is being recognized by the State for their work to conserve, protect and share areas of archaeological significance.
If you know of private lands with fascinating archaeological histories that would be good for tours, please let the Friends group know at freindsofarchaologynm@gmail.com.